P.O. Box 421, Virden, IL 62690

Public Meeting to discuss Virden’s Public Parks
6:00 Tuesday, October 22, 2024
at Pitman Hall

The future of parks in Virden will be discussed at a Public Open House on Tuesday, October 22, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. at Pitman Hall located at the rear of First Baptist Church in Virden, 157 W. Jackson. The church is directly across from the library.  The public is encouraged to attend.

A study has begun of city park space – the Town Square, West Park, East Park, and the northeast open area.  Each area is being carefully evaluated and potential improvements are being identified that could better serve the public needs.

Community members of all ages and interests are needed to review the progress to date
and offer their ideas and insights.

The study, expected to be completed by the end of the year, will result in a Master Plan for Virden Parks. The Master Plan can be used to identify future projects and apply for construction grants.